
[grist] /grɪst/

grain to be ground.
ground grain; meal produced from grinding.
a quantity of grain for grinding at one time; the amount of meal from one grinding.
Older Use. a quantity or lot.
verb (used with object)
to grind (grain).
grist for / to one’s mill, something employed to one’s profit or advantage, especially something seemingly unpromising:
Every delay was so much more grist for her mill.

(brewing) malt grains that have been cleaned and cracked
grist to the mill, grist to one’s mill, grist for the mill, grist for one’s mill, anything that can be turned to profit or advantage

Old English grist “action of grinding, grain to be ground,” perhaps related to grindan “to grind” (see grind), though OED calls the connection “difficult.” Meaning “wheat which is to be ground” is early 15c.; the figurative extension from this sense is from the same date.

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