
[gwah-neen] /ˈgwɑ nin/

noun, Biochemistry.
a purine base, C 5 H 5 N 5 O, that is a fundamental constituent of DNA and RNA, in which it forms base pairs with cytosine. Symbol: G.
/ˈɡwɑːniːn; ˈɡuːəˌniːn/
a white almost insoluble compound: one of the purine bases in nucleic acids. Formula: C5H5N5O

1850, from guano, from which the chemical first was isolated, + chemical suffix -ine (2).

guanine gua·nine (gwä’nēn’)
Abbr. G
A purine base that is an essential constituent of both RNA and DNA.
A purine base that is a component of DNA and RNA, forming a base pair with cytosine. It also occurs in guano, fish scales, sugar beets, and other natural materials. Chemical formula: C5H5ON5.

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