
[hag-erd] /ˈhæg ərd/

having a gaunt, wasted, or exhausted appearance, as from prolonged suffering, exertion, or anxiety; worn:
the haggard faces of the tired troops.
wild; wild-looking:
haggard eyes.
Falconry. (especially of a hawk caught after it has attained adult plumage) untamed.
Falconry. a wild or untamed hawk caught after it has assumed adult plumage.
careworn or gaunt, as from lack of sleep, anxiety, or starvation
wild or unruly
(of a hawk) having reached maturity in the wild before being caught
(falconry) a hawk that has reached maturity before being caught Compare eyas, passage hawk
(in Ireland and the Isle of Man) an enclosure beside a farmhouse in which crops are stored
Sir (Henry) Rider. 1856–1925, British author of romantic adventure stories, including King Solomon’s Mines (1885)

1560s, “wild, unruly” (originally in reference to hawks), from Middle French haggard, probably from Old French faulcon hagard “wild falcon,” literally “falcon of the woods,” from Middle High German hag “hedge, copse, wood,” from Proto-Germanic *hagon-, from PIE root *kagh- “to catch, seize;” also “wickerwork, fence” (see hedge). OED, however, finds this whole derivation “very doubtful.” Sense perhaps reinforced by Low German hager “gaunt, haggard.” Sense of “with a haunted expression” first recorded 1690s, that of “careworn” first recorded 1853. Sense influenced by association with hag. Related: Haggardly; haggardness.

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