
[hap-uh-lee] /ˈhæp ə li/

in a manner; with pleasure.
by good fortune; luckily; providentially.
felicitously; aptly; appropriately:
a happily turned phrase.

mid-14c., “by chance or accident,” from happy + -ly (2). Meaning “fortunate, lucky” is late 14c.; that of “appropriately” is from 1570s. Happily ever after recorded by 1853.

Of software, used to emphasise that a program is unaware of some important fact about its environment, either because it has been fooled into believing a lie, or because it doesn’t care. The sense of “happy” here is not that of elation, but rather that of blissful ignorance. “The program continues to run, happily unaware that its output is going to /dev/null.”
[Jargon File]
see: live happily ever after

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