
[hi-mol-uh-sis] /hɪˈmɒl ə sɪs/

the breaking down of red blood cells with liberation of hemoglobin.

hemolytic he·mo·lyt·ic (hē’mə-lĭt’ĭk)
Destructive to red blood cells; hematolytic.

hemolysis he·mol·y·sis (hĭ-mŏl’ĭ-sĭs, hē’mə-lī’sĭs) or he·ma·tol·y·sis (hē’mə-tŏl’ĭ-sĭs)
The destruction or dissolution of red blood cells, with release of hemoglobin. Also called erythrocytolysis, erythrolysis.
(hĭ-mŏl’ĭ-sĭs, hē’mə-lī’sĭs)
The destruction of red blood cells, caused by disruption of the cell membrane and resulting in the release of hemoglobin. Hemolysis is seen in some types of anemia, which can be either inherited or acquired, as by exposure to toxins or by the presence of antibodies that attack red blood cells.

hemolytic adjective

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