
[hoh-liz-uh m] /ˈhoʊ lɪz əm/

Philosophy. the theory that whole entities, as fundamental components of reality, have an existence other than as the mere sum of their parts.
Compare (def 1).
Also, holiatry. Medicine/Medical. care of the entire patient in all aspects of well-being, including physical, psychological, and social.
Psychology. any psychologic system postulating that the human mind must be studied as a unit rather than as a sum of its individual parts.
any doctrine that a system may have properties over and above those of its parts and their organization
the treatment of any subject as a whole integrated system, esp, in medicine, the consideration of the complete person, physically and psychologically, in the treatment of a disease See also alternative medicine
(philosophy) one of a number of methodological theses holding that the significance of the parts can only be understood in terms of their contribution to the significance of the whole and that the latter must therefore be epistemologically prior Compare reductionism, atomism (sense 2)

1926, apparently by South African Gen. J.C. Smuts (1870-1950) in his book “Holism and Evolution” which treats of evolution as a process of unification of separate parts; from Greek holos “whole” (see safe (adj.)) + -ism.

This character of “wholeness” meets us everywhere and points to something fundamental in the universe. Holism (from [holos] = whole) is the term here coined for this fundamental factor operative towards the creation of wholes in the universe. [Smuts, “Holism and Evolution,” p.86]

holism ho·lism (hō’lĭz’əm)

ho·lis’tic (hō-lĭs’tĭk) adj.

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