
a direct telecommunications link, as a telephone line or Teletype circuit, enabling immediate communication between heads of state in an international crisis:
the hot line between Washington and Moscow.
a telephone service enabling people to talk confidentially with someone about a personal problem or crisis.
a telephone line providing customers or clients with direct access to a company or professional service.

n phr,n

An emergency telephone line or number: Clearly, hot lines are no cure for the complex, overall problem of drug abuse/ a community ”hot line” to head off gang wars

[mid-1950s+; popularized by the telephone line between the White House and the Kremlin]
A telephone line that gives quick and direct access to a source of information or help. For example, Our state has an AIDS hot line in every county. This term was originally (and is still) used for a direct link between heads of government for use during a crisis, but was quickly extended to wider applications. [ 1950s ]

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