
[hahy-per-ton-ik] /ˌhaɪ pərˈtɒn ɪk/

Physiology. of or relating to .
Physical Chemistry. noting a solution of higher osmotic pressure than another solution with which it is compared (opposed to ).
Compare (def 1).
(esp of muscles) being in a state of abnormally high tension
(of a solution) having a higher osmotic pressure than that of a specified, generally physiological, solution Compare hypotonic, isotonic

1855, from hyper- + tonic. Related: Hypertonia; hypertonicity.

hypertonic hy·per·ton·ic (hī’pər-tŏn’ĭk)

hy’per·to·nic’i·ty (-tə-nĭs’ĭ-tē, -tō-) n.

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