
hypochromasia hy·po·chro·ma·si·a (hī’pō-krō-mā’zē-ə, -zhə)
See hypochromia.

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  • Hypochromia

    [hahy-puh-kroh-mee-uh] /ˌhaɪ pəˈkroʊ mi ə/ noun, Pathology. 1. an anemic condition due to a deficiency of hemoglobin in the red blood cells. 2. insufficient color or pigmentation. hypochromia hy·po·chro·mi·a (hī’pō-krō’mē-ə) n. An anemic condition in which the percentage of hemoglobin in red blood cells is abnormally low. Also called hypochromasia, hypochromatism. hy’po·chro’mic adj.

  • Hypochromic

    [hahy-puh-kroh-mee-uh] /ˌhaɪ pəˈkroʊ mi ə/ noun, Pathology. 1. an anemic condition due to a deficiency of hemoglobin in the red blood cells. 2. insufficient color or pigmentation. hypochromia hy·po·chro·mi·a (hī’pō-krō’mē-ə) n. An anemic condition in which the percentage of hemoglobin in red blood cells is abnormally low. Also called hypochromasia, hypochromatism. hy’po·chro’mic adj.

  • Hypochromic-anemia

    noun, Pathology. 1. an anemia characterized by an abnormally low concentration of hemoglobin in the red blood cells, often due to iron deficiency. hypochromic anemia n. Anemia characterized by a decrease in the ratio of the weight of hemoglobin to the volume of the red blood cell.

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