
[im-pahrt] /ɪmˈpɑrt/

verb (used with object)
to make known; tell; relate; disclose:
to impart a secret.
to give; bestow; communicate:
to impart knowledge.
to grant a part or share of.
verb (used without object)
to grant a part or share; give.
verb (transitive)
to communicate (information); relate
to give or bestow (something, esp an abstract quality): to impart wisdom

early 15c., “to give a part of (one’s possessions); late 15c., “to share, take part,” from Old French impartir (14c.), from Late Latin impartire (also impertire) “to share in, divide with another, communicate,” from assimilated form of in- “into, in” (see in- (2)) + partire “to divide, part” (see part (v.)). Related: Imparted; imparting.

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