
[in-ahr-tik-yuh-lit] /ˌɪn ɑrˈtɪk yə lɪt/

lacking the ability to express oneself, especially in clear and effective speech:
an inarticulate public speaker.
unable to use articulate speech:
inarticulate with rage.
not articulate; not uttered or emitted with expressive or intelligible modulations:
His mouth stuffed, he could utter only inarticulate sounds.
not fully expressed or expressible:
a voice choked with inarticulate agony.
Anatomy, Zoology. not jointed; having no articulation or joint.
unable to express oneself fluently or clearly; incoherent
(of speech, language, etc) unclear or incomprehensible; unintelligible: inarticulate grunts
unable to speak; dumb
unable to be expressed; unvoiced: inarticulate suffering
(biology) having no joints, segments, or articulation

c.1600, “not clear or intelligible” (of speech), from Late Latin inarticulatus “inarticulate, indistinct,” from in- “not” (see in- (1)) + articulatus, past participle of articulare (see articulation). Related: Inarticulately; inarticulateness.

inarticulate in·ar·tic·u·late (ĭn’är-tĭk’yə-lĭt)

in’ar·tic’u·late·ness or in’ar·tic’u·la·cy (-lə-sē) n.

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