
[in-kyuh-bey-ter, ing-] /ˈɪn kyəˌbeɪ tər, ˈɪŋ-/

an apparatus in which eggs are hatched artificially.
an enclosed apparatus in which prematurely born infants are kept in controlled conditions, as of temperature, for protection and care.
an apparatus in which media inoculated with microorganisms are cultivated at a constant temperature.
a person or thing that .
(med) an enclosed transparent boxlike apparatus for housing prematurely born babies under optimum conditions until they are strong enough to survive in the normal environment
a container kept at a constant temperature in which birds’ eggs can be artificially hatched or bacterial cultures grown
a person, animal, or thing that incubates
a commercial property, divided into small work units, which provides equipment and support to new businesses

“apparatus for hatching eggs by artificial heat,” 1845, from incubate + -or.

incubator in·cu·ba·tor (ĭn’kyə-bā’tər, ĭng’-)


A specialized crib used in caring for infants, in which the temperature and oxygen content of the air can be controlled. Often, babies who are born prematurely will be placed in an incubator until they have become strong enough to be housed in a regular crib.

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