
[in-kyuh-bey-shuh n, ing-] /ˌɪn kyəˈbeɪ ʃən, ˌɪŋ-/

the act or process of .
the state of being .

1610s, “brooding,” from Latin incubationem (nominative incubatio) “a laying upon eggs,” noun of action from past participle stem of incubare “to hatch,” literally “to lie on, rest on,” from in- “on” (see in- (2)) + cubare “to lie” (see cubicle). The literal sense of “sitting on eggs to hatch them” first recorded in English 1640s.

incubation in·cu·ba·tion (ĭn’kyə-bā’shən, ĭng’-)


incubate verb

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