
[in-ti-grey-tid] /ˈɪn tɪˌgreɪ tɪd/

combining or coordinating separate elements so as to provide a harmonious, interrelated whole:
an integrated plot; an integrated course of study.
organized or structured so that constituent units function cooperatively:
an integrated economy.
having, including, or serving members of different racial, religious, and ethnic groups as equals:
an integrated school.
Compare .
Sociology. of or relating to a group or society whose members interact on the basis of commonly held norms or values.
Psychology. characterized by .
[in-ti-greyt] /ˈɪn tɪˌgreɪt/
verb (used with object), integrated, integrating.
to bring together or incorporate (parts) into a whole.
to make up, combine, or complete to produce a whole or a larger unit, as parts do.
to unite or combine.
to give or cause to give equal opportunity and consideration to (a racial, religious, or ethnic group or a member of such a group):
to integrate minority groups in the school system.
to combine (previously segregated educational facilities, classes, and the like) into one unified system; desegregate.
to give or cause to give members of all racial, religious, and ethnic groups an equal opportunity to belong to, be employed by, be customers of, or vote in (an organization, place of business, city, state, etc.):
to integrate a restaurant; to integrate a country club.
Mathematics. to find the value of the of (a function).
to indicate the total amount or the mean value of.
verb (used without object), integrated, integrating.
to become integrated.
to meld with and become part of the dominant culture.

characterized by integration
denoting a works which combines various processes normally carried out at different locations: an integrated steelworks
(biology) denoting a virus the DNA of which is incorporated into the chromosomes of the host cell
verb (ˈɪntɪˌɡreɪt)
to make or be made into a whole; incorporate or be incorporated
(transitive) to designate (a school, park, etc) for use by all races or groups; desegregate
to amalgamate or mix (a racial or religious group) with an existing community
(maths) to perform an integration on (a quantity, expression, etc)
adjective (ˈɪntɪɡrɪt)
made up of parts; integrated

1580s, “combined into a whole,” past participle adjective from integrate (v.). Sense of “not divided by race, etc.” is from 1948.

1630s, “to render (something) whole,” from Latin integratus, past participle of integrare “make whole,” from integer “whole” (see integer). Meaning “to put together parts or elements and combine them into a whole” is from 1802. Integrate in the “racially desegregate” sense is a back-formation from integration, dating to the 1948 U.S. presidential contest. Related: Integrated; integrating.

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