
[in-tl-ekt] /ˈɪn tlˌɛkt/

the power or faculty of the mind by which one knows or understands, as distinguished from that by which one feels and that by which one wills; the understanding; the faculty of thinking and acquiring knowledge.
capacity for thinking and acquiring knowledge, especially of a high or complex order; mental capacity.
a particular mind or intelligence, especially of a high order.
a person possessing a great capacity for thought and knowledge.
minds collectively, as of a number of persons or the persons themselves.
the capacity for understanding, thinking, and reasoning, as distinct from feeling or wishing
a mind or intelligence, esp a brilliant one: his intellect is wasted on that job
(informal) a person possessing a brilliant mind; brain
those possessing the greatest mental power: the intellect of a nation

late 14c. (but little used before 16c.), from Old French intellecte “intellectual capacity” (13c.), and directly from Latin intellectus “discernment, a perception, understanding,” from noun use of past participle of intelligere “to understand, discern” (see intelligence).

A query language written by Larry Harris in 1977, close to natural English.

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