
introitus in·tro·i·tus (ĭn-trō’ĭ-təs)
n. pl. introitus
The entrance into a canal or hollow organ, such as the vagina.

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    [in-truh-mit] /ˌɪn trəˈmɪt/ verb (used with object), intromitted, intromitting. 1. to send, put, or let in; introduce; admit. /ˌɪntrəˈmɪt/ verb -mits, -mitting, -mitted 1. (transitive) (rare) to enter or insert or allow to enter or be inserted intromittent in·tro·mit·tent (ĭn’trə-mĭt’ənt) adj. Conveying or sending into a body or cavity. intromit in·tro·mit (ĭn’trə-mĭt’) v. in·tro·mit·ted, in·tro·mit·ting, […]

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