
[verb in-vaj-uh-neyt; adjective in-vaj-uh-nit, -neyt] /verb ɪnˈvædʒ əˌneɪt; adjective ɪnˈvædʒ ə nɪt, -ˌneɪt/

verb (used with object), invaginated, invaginating.
to insert or receive, as into a sheath; sheathe.
to fold or draw (a tubular organ) back within itself; intussuscept.
verb (used without object), invaginated, invaginating.
to become invaginated; undergo .
to form a pocket by turning in.
folded or turned back upon itself.
verb (ɪnˈvædʒɪˌneɪt)
(pathol) to push one section of (a tubular organ or part) back into itself so that it becomes ensheathed; intussuscept
(intransitive) (of the outer layer of an organism or part) to undergo invagination
adjective (ɪnˈvædʒɪnɪt; -ˌneɪt)
(of an organ or part) folded back upon itself

1650s, from Medieval Latin invaginatus, past participle of invaginare “to put into a sheath,” from Latin in- “in” (see in- (2)) + vagina “a sheath” (see vagina). Related: Invaginated; invagination.

invaginate in·vag·i·nate (ĭn-vāj’ə-nāt’)
v. in·vag·i·nat·ed, in·vag·i·nat·ing, in·vag·i·nates
To infold or become infolded so as to form a hollow space within a previously solid structure, as in the formation of a gastrula from a blastula.

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