
[jaw-bohn] /ˈdʒɔˌboʊn/

a of either ; a maxilla or mandible.
the bone of the lower jaw; mandible.
verb (used with or without object), jawboned, jawboning.
Informal. to attempt to influence or pressure by persuasion rather than by the exertion of force or one’s authority, as in urging voluntary compliance with economic guidelines:
The president jawboned the steel industry into postponing price increases.
Informal. obtained by or resorting to such a practice:
jawbone controls.
a nontechnical name for mandible (or (less commonly)) maxilla
(US) to try to persuade or bring pressure to bear (on) by virtue of one’s high office or position, esp in urging compliance with official policy

mid-15c., from jaw (n.) + bone (n.). Hence jawboning “lecturing, hectoring,” a term associated with the U.S. Lyndon Johnson presidential administration (1966); cf. jaw (v.).

jawbone jaw·bone (jô’bōn’)
The maxilla or, especially, the mandible.


Strong exhortation; potent oral pressure: The technique was called ”jawboning.” Lyndon Johnson and Mr Nixon used it (1960s+)


An exclamation of indifference, nonchalance, etc: ”Ishkabibble,” or ”I should worry”/It was a pretty abrupt transition from la belle epoque into the Space Age, but ish kabibble

[1921+; origin unknown; perhaps an alteration of Yiddish nit or nisht gefidlt; apparently introduced and perhaps coined by the comedienne Fanny Brice]

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