
[ker-uh-toh-koh-nuh s] /ˌkɛr ə toʊˈkoʊ nəs/

noun, plural keratoconi
[ker-uh-toh-koh-nahy, -nee] /ˌkɛr ə toʊˈkoʊ naɪ, -ni/ (Show IPA). Pathology.
a degenerative condition characterized by conical protrusion of the cornea and irregular astigmatism.

keratoconus ker·a·to·co·nus (kěr’ə-tō-kō’nəs)
A conical protrusion of the center of the cornea caused by noninflammatory thinning of the stroma and usually affecting both eyes. Also called conical cornea.

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