
[lahy-suh ns] /ˈlaɪ səns/

formal permission from a governmental or other constituted authority to do something, as to carry on some business or profession.
a certificate, tag, plate, etc., giving proof of such permission; official permit:
a driver’s license.
permission to do or not to do something.
intentional deviation from rule, convention, or fact, as for the sake of literary or artistic effect:
poetic license.
exceptional freedom allowed in a special situation.
excessive or undue freedom or liberty.
the legal right to use a patent owned by another.
verb (used with object), licensed, licensing.
to grant authoritative permission or license to.
verb (transitive)
to grant or give a licence for (something, such as the sale of alcohol)
to give permission to or for

see licence. Related: Licensed; licensing.

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