
[lahy-sis] /ˈlaɪ sɪs/

noun, plural lyses [lahy-seez] /ˈlaɪ siz/ (Show IPA)
Immunology, Biochemistry. the dissolution or destruction of cells by lysins.
Medicine/Medical. the gradual recession of a disease.
Compare (def 4).
a combining form with the meaning “breaking down, loosening, decomposition,” used in the formation of compound words:
analysis; electrolysis; paralysis.
noun (pl) -ses (-siːz)
the destruction or dissolution of cells by the action of a particular lysin
(med) the gradual reduction in severity of the symptoms of a disease
combining form
indicating a loosening, decomposition, or breaking down: electrolysis, paralysis

“dissolution of cells, bacteria, etc.,” 1902, from Latin lysis, from Greek lysis “a loosening,” from lyein “to unfasten, loose, loosen, untie” (see lose).

scientific/medical word-forming element meaning “loosening, dissolving, dissolution,” from Greek lysis “a loosening, setting free, releasing, dissolution,” from lyein “to unfasten, loose, loosen, untie” (see lose).

lysis ly·sis (lī’sĭs)
n. pl. ly·ses (-sēz)

-lysis suff.
Decomposition; dissolving; disintegration: hydrolysis.
The disintegration of a cell resulting from destruction of its membrane by a chemical substance, especially an antibody or enzyme.

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