
[mak-ruh-mol-uh-kyool] /ˌmæk rəˈmɒl əˌkyul/

noun, Chemistry.
a very large , as a colloidal particle, protein, or especially a polymer, composed of hundreds or thousands of atoms.
any very large molecule, such as a protein or synthetic polymer

1886, from macro- + molecule. Apparently coined in “On Macro-molecules, with the Determinations of the Form of Some of Them,” by Anglo-Irish physicist G. Johnstone Stoney (1826–1911). Originally of crystals. Meaning “molecule composed of many atoms” is from 1935, from German makromolekul (1922). Related: Macromolecular.

macromolecule mac·ro·mol·e·cule (māk’rō-mŏl’ĭ-kyōōl’)
A very large molecule, such as a protein, consisting of many smaller structural units linked together.
A large molecule, such as a protein, consisting of many smaller molecules linked together.

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