
[muh-doo r-uh for 1; maj-er-uh for 2] /məˈdʊər ə for 1; ˈmædʒ ər ə for 2/

Dutch Madoera. an island in Indonesia, off the NE coast of Java. 2112 sq. mi. (5470 sq. km).
Also, Madurai
[mad-yoo-rahy] /ˈmæd yʊˌraɪ/ (Show IPA). a city in S Tamil Nadu, in S India.
a city in S India, in S Tamil Nadu: centre of Dravidian culture for over 2000 years; cotton industry. Pop: 922 913 (2001) Former name Madura
an island in Indonesia, off the NE coast of Java: extensive forests and saline springs. Capital: Pamekasan. Area: 5472 sq km (2113 sq miles)

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