
[mel-uh-noh-muh] /ˌmɛl əˈnoʊ mə/

noun, plural melanomas, melanomata
[mel-uh-noh-muh-tuh] /ˌmɛl əˈnoʊ mə tə/ (Show IPA). Pathology.
any of several types of skin tumors characterized by the malignant growth of melanocytes.
noun (pl) -mas, -mata (-mətə)
(pathol) a malignant tumour composed of melanocytes, occurring esp in the skin, often as a result of excessive exposure to sunlight

“tumor containing melanin,” 1826, medical Latin, from Greek melas (genitive melanos) “black” (see melanin) + -oma.

melanoma mel·a·no·ma (měl’ə-nō’mə)
n. pl. mel·a·no·mas or mel·a·no·ma·ta (-mə-tə)
A dark-pigmented, malignant, frequently widely metastasizing tumor arising from a melanocyte and occurring most commonly in the skin. Also called malignant melanoma, melanoblastoma, melanocarcinoma, melanotic carcinoma.
Plural melanomas or melanomata (měl’ə-nō’mə-tə)
A dark-pigmented benign or malignant tumor that arises from a melanocyte and occurs most commonly in the skin. Malignant melanoma metastasizes quickly and is associated with sun exposure.
melanoma [(mel-uh-noh-muh)]

A serious, often lethal, form of skin cancer.

Note: Exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun (for example, by too much sunbathing) can cause this disease.

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