
[mel-uh-noh-sis] /ˌmɛl əˈnoʊ sɪs/

noun, Pathology.
abnormal deposition or development of black or dark pigment in the tissues.
a discoloration caused by this.
(pathol) a skin condition characterized by excessive deposits of melanin

1823, medical Latin, from Greek melanosis “a becoming black,” from melanoun “to become black,” from melas (genitive melanos); see melanin. Related: Melanotic.

melanosis mel·a·no·sis (měl’ə-nō’sĭs)
Abnormally dark pigmentation of the skin or other tissues, resulting from a disorder of pigment metabolism. Also called melanism.
mel’a·not’ic (-nŏt’ĭk) adj.

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