
[mel-os, -ohs, mee-los, -lohs] /ˈmɛl ɒs, -oʊs, ˈmi lɒs, -loʊs/

the succession of musical tones constituting a melody.
[mee-los, -lohs, mel-os, -ohs; Greek mee-laws] /ˈmi lɒs, -loʊs, ˈmɛl ɒs, -oʊs; Greek ˈmi lɔs/
a Greek island in the Cyclades, in the SW Aegean: statue, Venus de Milo, found here 1820. 51 sq. mi. (132 sq. km).
[mey-loh; Spanish me-law] /ˈmeɪ loʊ; Spanish ˈmɛ lɔ/
a city in NE Uruguay.
an island in the SW Aegean Sea, in the Cyclades: of volcanic origin, with hot springs; centre of early Aegean civilization, where the Venus de Milo was found. Pop: 4771 (2001). Area: 132 sq km (51 sq miles) Modern Greek name Mílos

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