
[mahy-kron] /ˈmaɪ krɒn/

noun, plural microns, micra
[mahy-kruh] /ˈmaɪ krə/ (Show IPA)
Also called micrometer. the millionth part of a meter. Symbol: μ, mu.
Physical Chemistry. a colloidal particle whose diameter is between 0.2 and 10 microns.
Physics. a very small unit of pressure, equal to that exerted by a column of mercury 1μ high.
noun (pl) -crons, -cra (-krə)
a unit of length equal to 10–6 metre. It is being replaced by the micrometre, the equivalent SI unit

“one millionth of a meter,” 1892, coined 1880 in French from Greek mikron, neuter of mikros “small” (see mica).

micron mi·cron or mi·kron (mī’krŏn’)
n. pl. mi·crons or mi·cra (-krə) or mi·krons or mi·kra (-krə)

Abbr. μm See micrometer.
See micrometer2.

Micron Electronics, Inc.


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