
[mahy-greyn or, British, mee-] /ˈmaɪ greɪn or, British, ˈmi-/

an extremely severe paroxysmal headache, usually confined to one side of the head and often associated with nausea; hemicrania.
/ˈmiːɡreɪn; ˈmaɪ-/
a throbbing headache usually affecting only one side of the head and commonly accompanied by nausea and visual disturbances

late 14c., megrim, from Old French migraigne (13c.), from vulgar pronunciation of Late Latin hemicrania “pain in one side of the head, headache,” from Greek hemikrania, from hemi- “half” + kranion “skull” (see cranium). The Middle English form was re-spelled 1777 on the French model. Related: Migrainous.

migraine mi·graine (mī’grān’)
A severe recurring headache, usually affecting only one side of the head, that is characterized by sharp pain and is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and visual disturbances. Also called hemicrania, megrim, sick headache.
A severe recurring headache, usually affecting only one side of the head, that is characterized by sharp, throbbing pain and is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, and visual disturbances. Vasodilation in the brain causes inflammation that results in pain, but the exact cause of migraine is unknown.

A graphical user interface for evaluating and interacting with the Aspirin neural network simulation.
Utilities exist for moving quickly from an Aspirin description of a network directly to an executable program for simulating and evaluating that network. MIGRAINES has been kept separate from Aspirin so that its limitations do not restrict the performance of Aspirin. However, in practice, they are used together. This combination allows for simple specification and creation of efficient neural network systems that can be graphically analysed and tested.
[Aspirin/MIGRAINES Neural Network Software User’s Manual, Release v6.0 MP-91W00050, Copyright 1992 by Russel Leighton and the MITRE Corporation].

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