
[mi-lan, -lahn] /mɪˈlæn, -ˈlɑn/

an industrial city in central Lombardy, in N Italy: cathedral.
a city in N Italy, in central Lombardy: Italy’s second largest city and chief financial and industrial centre; a centre of the Renaissance under the Visconti and Sforza families. Pop: 1 256 211 (2001) Italian name Milano (miˈlaːno) Latin name Mediolanum (ˌmeɪdɪəʊˈlɑːnəm)

city in northern Italy, Roman Mediolanum, from Gaulish medios “middle” + lanu “plain,” in reference to its situation in the Po Valley. Related: Milanese.
Milan [(mi-lahn, mi-lan)]

Capital of the Lombardy region in northern Italy; since the Middle Ages, an international commercial, financial, and industrial center.

Note: Milan is a center for fashion and design.

Note: Its landmarks include the opera house La Scala and the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, which houses a famous fresco by Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper.

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