
[mil-i-tuh nt] /ˈmɪl ɪ tənt/

vigorously active and aggressive, especially in support of a cause:
militant reformers.
engaged in warfare; fighting.
a militant person.
a person engaged in warfare or combat.
aggressive or vigorous, esp in the support of a cause: a militant protest
warring; engaged in warfare
a militant person
short for Militant Tendency
a member of Militant Tendency

early 15c., “fighting, engaged in warfare,” from Middle French militant “fighting,” from Latin militantem (nominative militans), present participle of militare “serve as a soldier” (see militate), originally especially in Church militant. Related: Militantly.

“one engaged in war or strife,” c.1600, from militant (adj.); in a political sense, it is attested by 1907.

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