
[mol-ee] /ˈmɒl i/

a female given name, form of or .
[mol-ee] /ˈmɒl i/
noun, plural mollies.
any of certain livebearing freshwater fishes of the genus Mollienisia, popular in home aquariums.
[mol-ee] /ˈmɒl i/
plural Mollies. Trademark.
a brand of expansion bolt having a split, sleevelike sheath threaded at one end so that when inserted snugly into masonry the turning of the bolt draws the ends of the sheath together, thus spreading the sides.
[mol-ee] /ˈmɒl i/
a female given name, form of or .
noun (pl) -lies
any brightly coloured tropical or subtropical American freshwater cyprinodont fish of the genus Mollienisia
noun (pl) -lies
(Irish, informal) an effeminate, weak, or cowardly boy or man

seabird, 1857, short for mollymawk, from Dutch mallemok, from mal “foolish” + mok “gull.”

fem. proper name, a familiar form of Mary.

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