
[mawr-dnt] /ˈmɔr dnt/

sharply caustic or sarcastic, as wit or a speaker; biting.
burning; corrosive.
having the property of fixing colors, as in dyeing.
a substance used in dyeing to fix the coloring matter, especially a metallic compound, as an oxide or hydroxide, that combines with the organic dye and forms an insoluble colored compound or lake in the fiber.
an adhesive substance for binding gold or silver leaf to a surface.
an acid or other corrosive substance used in etching to eat out the lines, areas, etc.
Music. .
verb (used with object)
to impregnate or treat with a mordant.
[mawr-dnt] /ˈmɔr dnt/
noun, Music.
a melodic embellishment consisting of a rapid alternation of a principal tone with the tone a half or a whole step below it, called single or short when the auxiliary tone occurs once and double or long when this occurs twice or more.
sarcastic or caustic
having the properties of a mordant
a substance used before the application of a dye, possessing the ability to fix colours in textiles, leather, etc See also lake2 (sense 1)
an acid or other corrosive fluid used to etch lines on a printing plate
(transitive) to treat (a fabric, yarn, etc) with a mordant
(music) a melodic ornament consisting of the rapid alternation of a note with a note one degree lower than it Also called lower mordent

late 15c., “caustic” (of words, speech), from Middle French mordant, literally “biting,” present participle of mordre “to bite,” from Latin mordere “to bite, bite into; nip, sting;” figuratively “to pain, cause hurt,” perhaps from PIE root mer- (2) “to rub away, harm” (see smart (v.)). Related: Mordantly. The noun sense in dyeing is first recorded 1791; the adjective in this sense is from 1902. Related: Mordancy; mordantly.

mordant mor·dant (môr’dnt)
Serving to fix colors in dyeing. n.
A reagent, such as tannic acid, that fixes dyes to cells, tissues, or other materials. v. mor·dant·ed, mor·dant·ing, mor·dants
To treat with a mordant.

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