
mucolipidosis mu·co·lip·i·do·sis (myōō’kō-lĭp’ĭ-dō’sĭs)
Any of a group of hereditary metabolic storage diseases resembling Hurler’s syndrome but with normal urinary mucopolysaccharides.

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  • Mucolipidosis i

    mucolipidosis I n. Mucolipidosis having symptoms resembling those of Hurler’s syndrome but milder, and with moderate mental retardation. Also called lipomucopolysaccharidosis.

  • Mucolipidosis ii

    mucolipidosis II n. Mucolipidosis characterized by symptoms resembling those of Hurler’s syndrome but more severe, with normal levels of urinary mucopolysaccharides and the presence of inclusion bodies in cultured fibroblasts. Also called inclusion cell disease.

  • Mucolipidosis iii

    mucolipidosis III n. Mucolipidosis characterized by symptoms resembling those of Hurler’s syndrome, but milder, with restricted joint mobility, short stature, mild mental retardation, and dysplastic skeletal changes.

  • Mucolipidosis iv

    mucolipidosis IV n. Mucolipidosis marked by psychomotor retardation, cloudy corneas, and retinal degeneration, with the presence of inclusion bodies in cultured fibroblasts.

  • Mucolytic

    [myoo-kuh-lit-ik] /ˌmyu kəˈlɪt ɪk/ adjective, Biochemistry. 1. denoting or pertaining to enzymes that break down mucus. mucolytic mu·co·lyt·ic (myōō’kə-lĭt’ĭk) adj. Capable of dissolving, digesting, or liquefying mucus.

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