
[muhs-kuh t, -kat] /ˈmʌs kət, -kæt/

a variety of grape having a pronounced sweet aroma and flavor, used for making wine and raisins.
the vine bearing this fruit.
[muhs-kat] /mʌsˈkæt/
a seaport in and the capital of Oman.
[oh-mahn] /oʊˈmɑn/
Sultanate of. Formerly Muscat and Oman. an independent sultanate in SE Arabia. About 82,800 sq. mi. (212,380 sq. km).
Capital: Muscat.
Gulf of, a NW arm of the Arabian Sea, at the entrance to the Persian Gulf.
/ˈmʌskət; -kæt/
any of various grapevines that produce sweet white grapes used for making wine or raisins
another name for muscatel (sense 1)
/ˈmʌskət; -kæt/
the capital of the Sultanate of Oman, a port on the Gulf of Oman: a Portuguese port from the early 16th century; controlled by Persia (1650–1741). Pop: 689 000 (2005 est) Arabic name Masqat
a sultanate in SE Arabia, on the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea: the most powerful state in Arabia in the 19th century, ruling Zanzibar, much of the Persian coast, and part of Pakistan. Official language: Arabic. Official religion: Muslim. Currency: rial. Capital: Muscat. Pop: 3 154 134 (2013 est). Area: about 306 000 sq km (118 150 sq miles) Former name (until 1970) Muscat and Oman

type of wine, 1570s, from French, from Italian moscato, literally “musky-flavored,” from Vulgar Latin *muscatus, from Latin muscus (see musk).

capital of Oman, from Arabic Masqat, said to mean “hidden” (it is isolated from the interior by hills).

coastal nation in Arabia, supposedly named for its founder. Recorded from Roman times (Omana, in Pliny). Related: Omani.
Oman [(oh-mahn)]

Kingdom on the southern and eastern coasts of the Arabian Peninsula on the Arabian Sea, bordered to the northwest by the United Arab Emirates, the west by Saudi Arabia, and the southwest by Yemen. Oman includes a tip of land on one side of the Strait of Hormuz at the entrance to the Persian Gulf.

Note: Strategically located on trading and military routes between the Persian Gulf and Asia and east Africa, Oman has been occupied by the Portuguese, the Turks, and the Persians; since the beginning of the nineteenth century, it has maintained close relations with Britain.

Note: Oman began exporting oil in 1967.

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