
[nar-uh-tiv] /ˈnær ə tɪv/

a story or account of events, experiences, or the like, whether true or fictitious.
a book, literary work, etc., containing such a story.
the art, technique, or process of , or of telling a story:
Somerset Maugham was a master of narrative.
consisting of or being a narrative:
a narrative poem.
of or relating to , or the telling of a story:
My English teacher’s narrative skill makes characters seem to come to life.
Fine Arts. representing stories or events pictorially or sculpturally:
narrative painting.
Compare (def 2).
an account, report, or story, as of events, experiences, etc
the narrative, the part of a literary work that relates events
the process or technique of narrating
telling a story: a narrative poem
of or relating to narration: narrative art

mid-15c., from Middle French narratif, from Late Latin narrativus “suited to narration,” from Latin narrat-, stem of narrare (see narration).

“a tale, story,” 1560s, from Middle French narrative and from narrative (adj.).

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