
[kuh n-sen-shoo-uh l] /kənˈsɛn ʃu əl/

formed or existing merely by :
a consensual transaction.
Physiology. (of an action) involuntarily correlative with a voluntary action, as the contraction of the iris when the eye is opened.
(law) (of a contract, agreement, etc) existing by consent
(law) (of a sexual activity) performed with the consent of all parties involved
(of certain reflex actions of a part of the body) responding to stimulation of another part

also nonconsensual, by 1845, from non- + consensual. Earlier in same sense was non-consenting (1670s).

1754, “having to do with consent,” from stem of Latin consensus (see consensus) + -al (1). Meaning “by consent” is attested from 1800.

consensual con·sen·su·al (kən-sěn’shōō-əl)

con·sen’su·al·ly adv.

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