
[kuh n-sid-uh-rey-shuh n] /kənˌsɪd əˈreɪ ʃən/

the act of considering; careful thought; meditation; deliberation:
I will give your project full consideration.
something that is or is to be kept in mind in making a decision, evaluating facts, etc.:
Age was an important consideration in the decision.
thoughtful or sympathetic regard or respect; thoughtfulness for others:
They showed no consideration for his feelings.
a thought or reflection; an opinion based upon reflection.
a recompense or payment, as for work done; compensation.
importance or consequence.
estimation; esteem:
He is held in great consideration by the community.

in consideration of,

take into consideration, to take into account; consider:
We failed to take into consideration the large number of tourists attending the exhibition.
the act or an instance of considering; deliberation; contemplation
take into consideration, to bear in mind; consider
under consideration, being currently discussed or deliberated
a fact or circumstance to be taken into account when making a judgment or decision
on no consideration, for no reason whatsoever; never
thoughtfulness for other people; kindness
payment for a service; recompense; fee
thought resulting from deliberation; opinion
(law) the promise, object, etc, given by one party to persuade another to enter into a contract
estimation; esteem
in consideration of


mid-14c., “a beholding, looking at,” also “keeping in mind,” from Old French consideracion (12c., Modern French considération), from Latin considerationem (nominative consideratio) “consideration, contemplation, reflection,” noun of action from past participle stem of considerare (see consider). Meaning “a taking into account” is from mid-15c.; that of “something given in payment” is from c.1600.

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