
[non-vahy-uh-buh l] /nɒnˈvaɪ ə bəl/

not capable of living, growing, and developing, as an embryo, seed, or plant.
not practicable or workable:
a nonviable plan.
[vahy-uh-bil-i-tee] /ˌvaɪ əˈbɪl ɪ ti/
ability to live, especially under certain conditions:
The viability of a fetus outside the womb has increased dramatically with the advent of new technologies and procedures.
the capacity to operate or be sustained:
The viability of the company was guaranteed by the success of its new product.

nonviable non·vi·a·ble (nŏn-vī’ə-bəl)
Not capable of living or developing independently. Used especially of an embryo or a fetus.

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