
[klin-i-kuh l] /ˈklɪn ɪ kəl/

pertaining to a clinic.
concerned with or based on actual observation and treatment of disease in patients rather than experimentation or theory.
extremely objective and realistic; dispassionately analytic; unemotionally critical:
She regarded him with clinical detachment.
pertaining to or used in a sickroom:
a clinical bandage.

of or relating to a clinic
of or relating to the bedside of a patient, the course of his disease, or the observation and treatment of patients directly: a clinical lecture, clinical medicine
scientifically detached; strictly objective: a clinical attitude to life
plain, simple, and usually unattractive: clinical furniture

1780, “pertaining to hospital patients or hospital care,” from clinic + -al (2). Meaning “coldly dispassionate” (like a medical report) is recorded from 1928. Related: Clinically.

clinical clin·i·cal (klĭn’ĭ-kəl)

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