
[noo-miz-mat-ik, -mis-, nyoo-] /ˌnu mɪzˈmæt ɪk, -mɪs-, ˌnyu-/

of, relating to, or consisting of coins, medals, paper money, etc.
pertaining to .

1765, “pertaining to historical coins and coinage,” from French numismatique (late 16c.), from Latin numismat-, stem of numisma “coin, currency,” from Greek nomisma “current coin, money, usage,” literally “what has been sanctioned by custom or usage,” from nomizein “have in use, adopt a custom,” from nomos “custom, law, usage,” from PIE root *nem- “to divide, distribute, allot” (see nemesis). Related: Numismatical (1716). Earlier in the same sense was nummary (1650s), from Latin nummarius, from nummus “a coin.”

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