
[ol-fak-tuh-ree, -tree, ohl-] /ɒlˈfæk tə ri, -tri, oʊl-/

of or relating to the sense of smell:
olfactory organs.
noun, plural olfactories.
Usually, olfactories. an olfactory organ.
/ɒlˈfæktərɪ; -trɪ/
of or relating to the sense of smell
noun (pl) -ries
(usually pl) an organ or nerve concerned with the sense of smell

1650s, from Latin olfactorius, from olfact-, past participle stem of olfacere “to get the smell of, sniff,” from olere “emit a smell, give off a smell of” (see odor) + facere “make” (see factitious).

olfactory ol·fac·to·ry (ŏl-fāk’tə-rē, -trē, ōl-)
Of, relating to, or contributing to the sense of smell.
(ŏl-fāk’tə-rē, ōl-)
Relating to or involving the organs or sense of smell.
olfactory [(ol-fak-tuh-ree, ohl-fak-tuh-ree)]

A descriptive term for the sense of smell.

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