
[awr-dn-it, -eyt] /ˈɔr dnˌɪt, -ˌeɪt/

Mathematics. (in plane Cartesian coordinates) the y-coordinate of a point: its distance from the x-axis measured parallel to the y-axis.
the vertical or y-coordinate of a point in a two-dimensional system of Cartesian coordinates Compare abscissa See also Cartesian coordinates

late 14c., from Latin ordinatus, past participle of ordinare “arrange, set in order” (see ordain). Related: Ordinately.

1560s, from Latin ordinatus, past participle of ordinare “arrange, set in order” (see ordain). Related: Ordinated; ordinating.

ordinate or·di·nate (ôr’dn-ĭt, -āt’)
The plane Cartesian coordinate representing the distance from a specified point to the x-axis, measured parallel to the y-axis.
The distance of a point from the x-axis on a graph in the Cartesian coordinate system. It is measured parallel to the y-axis. For example, a point having coordinates (2,3) has 3 as its ordinate. Compare abscissa.

The y-coordinate on an (x,y) graph; the output of a function plotted against its input.
x is the “abscissa”.
See Cartesian coordinates.

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