
[awr-guh-nahyz] /ˈɔr gəˌnaɪz/

verb (used with object), organized, organizing.
to form as or into a whole consisting of interdependent or coordinated parts, especially for united action:
to organize a committee.
to systematize:
to organize the files of an office.
to give structure or character to:
to organize the elements of a composition.
to enlist or attempt to enlist into a labor union:
to organize workers.
to enlist the employees of (a company) into a labor union; unionize:
to organize a factory.
Informal. to put (oneself) in a state of mental competence to perform a task:
We can’t have any slip-ups, so you’d better get organized.
verb (used without object), organized, organizing.
to combine in an organized company, party, or the like.
to form a labor union:
Management resisted all efforts to organize.
to assume organic structure.
to form (parts or elements of something) into a structured whole; coordinate
(transitive) to arrange methodically or in order
(transitive) to provide with an organic structure
(transitive) to enlist (the workers) of (a factory, concern, or industry) in a trade union
(intransitive) to join or form an organization or trade union
(transitive) (informal) to put (oneself) in an alert and responsible frame of mind

early 15c., “construct, establish,” from Middle French organiser and directly from Medieval Latin organizare, from Latin organum “instrument, organ” (see organ). Related: Organized; organizing.

organize or·gan·ize (ôr’gə-nīz’)
v. or·gan·ized, or·gan·iz·ing, or·gan·iz·es

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