
[adjective, verb kuh m-pleks, kom-pleks; noun kom-pleks] /adjective, verb kəmˈplɛks, ˈkɒm plɛks; noun ˈkɒm plɛks/

composed of many interconnected parts; compound; composite:
a complex highway system.
characterized by a very complicated or involved arrangement of parts, units, etc.:
complex machinery.
so complicated or intricate as to be hard to understand or deal with:
a complex problem.

Mathematics. pertaining to or using complex numbers:
complex methods; complex vector space.
an intricate or complicated association or assemblage of related things, parts, units, etc.:
the entire complex of our educational system; an apartment complex.
Psychology. a system of interrelated, emotion-charged ideas, feelings, memories, and impulses that is usually repressed and that gives rise to abnormal or pathological behavior.
a fixed idea; an obsessive notion.

Also called coordination compound. Chemistry. a compound in which independently existing molecules or ions of a nonmetal (complexing agent) form coordinate bonds with a metal atom or ion.
Compare (def 2).
Biochemistry. an entity composed of molecules in which the constituents maintain much of their chemical identity:
receptor-hormone complex, enzyme-substrate complex.
verb (used with object)
Chemistry. to form a complex with.
verb (used without object)
Chemistry. to form a complex.
made up of various interconnected parts; composite
(of thoughts, writing, etc) intricate or involved

(maths) of or involving one or more complex numbers
a whole made up of interconnected or related parts: a building complex
(psychoanal) a group of emotional ideas or impulses that have been banished from the conscious mind but that continue to influence a person’s behaviour
(informal) an obsession or excessive fear: he’s got a complex about cats
Also called coordination compound. a chemical compound in which molecules, groups, or ions are attached to a central metal atom, esp a transition metal atom, by coordinate bonds
any chemical compound in which one molecule is linked to another by a coordinate bond

1650s, “composed of parts,” from French complexe “complicated, complex, intricate” (17c.), from Latin complexus “surrounding, encompassing,” past participle of complecti “to encircle, embrace,” in transferred use, “to hold fast, master, comprehend,” from com- “with” (see com-) + plectere “to weave, braid, twine, entwine,” from PIE *plek-to-, from root *plek- “to plait” (see ply (v.1)). The meaning “not easily analyzed” is first recorded 1715. Complex sentence is attested from 1881.

1650s, “a whole comprised of parts,” from complex (adj.). Psychological sense of “connected group of repressed ideas” was established by C.G. Jung, 1907.

complex com·plex (kŏm’plěks’)

adj. (kəm-plěks’, kŏm’plěks’)

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