
[pri-sahys] /prɪˈsaɪs/

definitely or strictly stated, defined, or fixed:
precise directions.
being exactly that and neither more nor less:
a precise temperature; a precise amount.
being just that and no other:
the precise dress she had wanted.
definite or exact in statement, as a person.
carefully distinct:
precise articulation.
exact in measuring, recording, etc.:
a precise instrument.
excessively or rigidly particular:
precise observance of regulations; precise grooming.
strictly correct in amount or value: a precise sum
designating a certain thing and no other; particular: this precise location
using or operating with total accuracy: precise instruments
strict in observance of rules, standards, etc: a precise mind

mid-15c., from Middle French précis “condensed, cut short” (14c.) and directly from Medieval Latin precisus, from Latin praecisus “abrupt, abridged, cut off,” past participle of praecidere “to cut off, shorten,” from prae “before” (see pre-) + caedere “to cut” (see -cide; for Latin vowel change, see acquisition). Related: Precisely (late 14c.).

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