
[truhb-uh l] /ˈtrʌb əl/

verb (used with object), troubled, troubling.
to disturb the mental calm and contentment of; worry; distress; agitate.
to put to inconvenience, exertion, pains, or the like:
May I trouble you to shut the door?
to cause bodily pain, discomfort, or disorder to; afflict:
to be troubled by arthritis.
to annoy, vex, or bother:
Don’t trouble her with petty complaints now.
to disturb, agitate, or stir up so as to make turbid, as water or wine:
A heavy gale troubled the ocean waters.
verb (used without object), troubled, troubling.
to put oneself to inconvenience, extra effort, or the like.
to be distressed or agitated mentally; worry:
She always troubled over her son’s solitariness.
difficulty, annoyance, or harassment:
It would be no trouble at all to advise you.
unfortunate or distressing position, circumstance, or occurrence; misfortune:
Financial trouble may threaten security.
civil disorder, disturbance, or conflict:
political trouble in the new republic; labor troubles.
a physical disorder, disease, ailment, etc.; ill health:
heart trouble; stomach trouble.
mental or emotional disturbance or distress; worry:
Trouble and woe were her lot in life.
an instance of this:
some secret trouble weighing on his mind; a mother who shares all her children’s troubles.
effort, exertion, or pains in doing something; inconvenience endured in accomplishing some action, deed, etc.:
The results were worth the trouble it took.
an objectionable feature; problem; drawback:
The trouble with your proposal is that it would be too costly to implement.
something or someone that is a cause or source of disturbance, distress, annoyance, etc.
a personal habit or trait that is a disadvantage or a cause of mental distress:
His greatest trouble is oversensitivity.
the Troubles.

in trouble, Informal. pregnant out of wedlock (used as a euphemism).
a state or condition of mental distress or anxiety
a state or condition of disorder or unrest: industrial trouble
a condition of disease, pain, or malfunctioning: she has liver trouble
a cause of distress, disturbance, or pain; problem: what is the trouble?
effort or exertion taken to do something: he took a lot of trouble over this design
liability to suffer punishment or misfortune (esp in the phrase be in trouble): he’s in trouble with the police
a personal quality that is regarded as a weakness, handicap, or cause of annoyance: his trouble is that he’s too soft

the condition of an unmarried girl who becomes pregnant (esp in the phrase in trouble)
(transitive) to cause trouble to; upset, pain, or worry
(intransitive) usually with a negative and foll by about. to put oneself to inconvenience; be concerned: don’t trouble about me
(intransitive; usually with a negative) to take pains; exert oneself: please don’t trouble to write everything down
(transitive) to cause inconvenience or discomfort to: does this noise trouble you?
(transitive; usually passive) to agitate or make rough: the seas were troubled
(transitive) (Caribbean) to interfere with: he wouldn’t like anyone to trouble his new bicycle

1580s, from over- + trouble (v.). Related: Over-troubled; over-troubling.

early 13c., from Old French trubler (11c.), metathesis of turbler, from Vulgar Latin *turbulare, from Late Latin turbidare “to trouble, make turbid,” from Latin turbidus (see turbid). Related: Troubled; troubling.

c.1200, “agitation of the mind, emotional turmoil,” from Old French truble, related to trubler (see trouble (v.)). From early 15c. as “a concern, a cause for worry.” The Troubles in reference to times of violence and unrest in Ireland is attested from 1880, in reference to the rebellion of 1640s.

verb phrase

Toproduce anddisplay for admiration: Oh Lord, he’s trotting out his war record again (1845+)

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