
[oh-ver-tohn] /ˈoʊ vərˌtoʊn/

Music. an acoustical frequency that is higher in frequency than the fundamental.
an additional, usually subsidiary and implicit meaning or quality:
an aesthetic theory with definite political overtones.
(often pl) additional meaning or nuance: overtones of despair
(music, acoustics) any of the tones, with the exception of the fundamental, that constitute a musical sound and contribute to its quality, each having a frequency that is a multiple of the fundamental frequency See also harmonic (sense 7), partial (sense 6)

1867, in literal sense, from over + tone (n.); a loan-translation of German Oberton, first used by German physicist Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz (1821-1894) as a contraction of Overpartialton “upper partial tone.” Figurative sense of “subtle implication” is from 1890, first attested in writings of William James.
See under harmonic.

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