
[oh-ver-cher, -choo r] /ˈoʊ vər tʃər, -ˌtʃʊər/

an opening or initiating move toward negotiations, a new relationship, an agreement, etc.; a formal or informal proposal or offer:
overtures of peace; a shy man who rarely made overtures of friendship.

an introductory part, as of a poem; prelude; prologue.

verb (used with object), overtured, overturing.
to submit as an overture or proposal:
to overture conditions for a ceasefire.
to make an overture or proposal to:
to overture one’s adversary through a neutral party.

(often pl) a proposal, act, or gesture initiating a relationship, negotiation, etc
something that introduces what follows
verb (transitive)
to make or present an overture to
to introduce with an overture

mid-13c., “opening, aperture;” early 15c. as “an introductory proposal,” from Old French overture “opening; proposal” (Modern French ouverture), from Latin apertura “opening,” from aperire “to open, uncover” (see overt). Orchestral sense first recorded in English 1660s.

A piece of music for instruments alone, written as an introduction to a longer work, such as an opera, an oratorio, or a musical comedy.

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