
[oh-ver-rahyt] /ˌoʊ vərˈraɪt/

verb (used with object), overwrote, overwritten, overwriting.
to in too elaborate, burdensome, diffuse, or prolix a style:
He overwrites his essays to the point of absurdity.
to write in excess of the requirements, especially so as to defeat the original intention:
That young playwright tends to overwrite her big scenes.
to write on or over; cover with :
a flyleaf overwritten with a dedication.
verb (used without object), overwrote, overwritten, overwriting.
to write too elaborately:
The problem with so many young authors is that they tend to overwrite.
verb -writes, -writing, -wrote, -written
to write (something) in an excessively ornate or prolix style
to write too much about (someone or something)
to write on top of (other writing)
to record on a storage medium, such as a magnetic disk, thus destroying what was originally recorded there

1690s, “to write over other writing,” from over- + write (v.). Of computers, it is attested from 1959. Meaning “to write too elaborately or ornately” is from 1923. Related: Overwriting; overwritten.

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