
[pey-fos] /ˈpeɪ fɒs/

an ancient city in SW Cyprus.
Also, Paphus
[pey-fuh s] /ˈpeɪ fəs/ (Show IPA). Classical Mythology. the son of Pygmalion, who inherited the throne of Cyprus.
a town in SW Cyprus, near the sites of two ancient cities: famous as the centre of Aphrodite worship and traditionally the place at which she landed after her birth among the waves. Pop: 53 060 (2001)
(Greek myth) the son of Pygmalion and Galatea, who succeeded his father on the throne of Cyprus

the capital of the island of Cyprus, and therefore the residence of the Roman governor. It was visited by Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary tour (Acts 13:6). It is new Paphos which is here meant. It lay on the west coast of the island, about 8 miles north of old Paphos. Its modern name is Baffa.

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